About us:
Snowflake Jewellery offers customers a comprehensive range of stunning Baha’i jewelry, high quality crystals, gold and silver. We are Australian owned and operated.
Our main focus is on desiging unique Bahai jewellery and gifts with the Ringstone Symbol,The Greatest Name or the Yá Bahá'ul 'Abhá which is designed by Abdu'l-Bahá' and calligraphed by Mishkin Qalam. We also have design and manufacture other Bahai gifts and resources in Australia such as the nine pointed star.
Our Values:
Our success is based on our key values, including dedication to the customer, assurance of quality and value, uniqueness, innovation and excellence.
Our Mission:
In an ever changing world, the center stone to personal and social enrichment is to stay connected to our loved ones and community. The experience of choosing, giving and receiving is the key to make that connection possible.
Our passion is to excite and engage our customers by providing them with varieties of affordable memorable gifts that help people to celebrate their special and everyday occasions throughout their lifetime.
Bahai Jewelry Baha’I Jewellery The Greatest Name the calligraphy of the Greatest Name of God, "Yá Bahá'ul 'Abhá". The Ringstone Symbol and Nine pointed star Abdu’l-Baha. Unity Worldwide peace Bahai Faith
Purchase Bracelet Buy Pendant Gift for Holy days.
Bahai resources and Gift